Why is it so important to moisturise the skin?

The skin is the body’s largest organ and requires regular attention to stay young, blemish-free and healthy.

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The skin is the body’s largest organ and requires regular attention to stay young, blemish-free and healthy. To understand the importance and how to properly hydrate your skin, keep reading.

Skin hydration is essential. Without adequate moisture, skin cells become dehydrated, shrink and become more fragile, making the skin more susceptible to infections.

According to CMR (Clinical Medical & Research) studies, moisturizing creams have several benefits beyond skin rejuvenation. Some of the functions provided by moisturizers are:

Anti-inflammatory – Some creams contain components, such as glycyrrhetinic acid, that have anti-inflammatory properties.

Refreshing – Water-based moisturizers provide a cooling effect by evaporating water from the surface of the skin, and some moisturizers may contain menthol as an additive, which provides a feeling of freshness.

Healing – Hyaluronic acid has been shown to promote the acceleration of wound healing.

When should we moisture the skin?

The most important times to use moisturizer are after showering, shaving or exfoliating. For some people, this may be twice a day.

Hydration after bathing is very important because hot water removes all the moisture and oils from the skin, leaving it super dry. Hot water can be relaxing, but it can also damage your skin.

Moisturizing helps skin stay young

The skin on the face, ears, neck and chest are very sensitive to environmental changes and are the areas of the body most known to develop skin cancer. These areas of skin also shed cells more quickly than other parts of the body and therefore need hydration to repair themselves. In addition, the massage effect used when applying the lotion or oil helps to stimulate blood circulation and the generation of new cells.

Good habits to follow:

⇨ Pay attention to the water temperature – Hot showers and baths are not good for your skin. Shower for less time and with warm water.

⇨ Dry but not rub – After bathing or showering, gently dry the skin instead of rubbing dry skin.

⇨ Drink more water – the hydration that the skin receives also comes from the body. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day!

⇨ Use mild soaps and detergents – soaps that contain alcohol strip the skin of natural oils. Look for something smooth and fragrance-free that has vitamins and minerals.

⇨ Use sunscreen when outdoors – nothing will protect your skin more than protecting it from the sun’s rays.

⇨ Massage regularly – Massages are an excellent way to hydrate the whole body, not only because of the oils used but because they also help activate blood circulation and regenerate cells. Book a massage here.

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