With the arrival of winter, people exchange thin knitwear for warm clothes to protect themselves from the cold and flu. Even though, we are never protected from getting sick. Therefore, it is important to strengthen the immune system in the winter months.
In this sense, we have prepared 10 essential tips to protect yourself from illness in the coldest months of the year and to safeguard your health!
1. Eat a healthy diet
A healthy diet is important to protect your health. Therefore, you should have a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins.
Examples of superfoods that strengthen the body: – Garlic; – Ginger; – Ground saffron.
Drink enough water
First of all, our body is made up of more than 60% water!
Thus, it is important to hydrate the body, through water or food containing its composition.
In addition, drinking the right dose of water helps to eliminate toxins and strengthen the immune system.
3. Get enough sleep
Don’t you feel different when you sleep well? So, don’t you wake up in a better mood to face the day?
Above all, it’s important to sleep around 7-9 hours a night to boost your immune system and your health.
4. Exercise
First of all, physical activity improves blood circulation and resistance to disease. In addition, it reduces stress and improves self-confidence.
Exercise tips: – 60 minutes of yoga; – 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical exercise; – 75 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise
5. Take care of your hygiene
First, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds regularly. Never forget washing hands before eating and after using the toilet.
Second, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow whenever you want to cough or sneeze.
Finally, don’t be around sick people. If you are sick, stay home to avoid contagion.
6. Avoid tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption: essential to boost the immune system
Alcohol consumption and tobacco are harmful to the body. So try to avoid them!
In addition, it improves your physical and mental health.
7. Consider taking a daily vitamin supplement
In principle, supplements provide the nutrients you need to strengthen your immunity.
However, it is important that you seek medical advice before taking any supplements!
8. Take care of your mental health
First of all, did you know that stress can weaken your immune system? Well how can it have consequences on your physical health?
Solutions to relax: – Listen to calm music; – Breathe deeply; – Do meditation; – Read a book; – Stroll through nature or by the sea; – Get a relaxing massage.
9. Go outside and get some air
It’s important to protect yourself from the cold, however, don’t hide indoors in winter. Even on the coldest of days, get some sunlight and fresh air.
Above all, get sunlight. That way, your body will produce vitamin D, which is important for strengthening the immune system.
10. Keep warm
Just as it is important to get some air and sunlight, it is also important to protect yourself with warm clothing such as: jackets, hats, scarves and gloves.
On the other hand, if it’s too cold, stay home and have a hot drink.
If you have the opportunity, book a relaxing http://sokura.pt/en/ massage.
Remember to adopt healthy habits that protect your overall health and well-being. If necessary, consult a healthcare professional.
You can find out more about our massages through our website.